Verkehrstechnische Ausrüstung von Tunneln
Traffic management systems in tunnels

Einbau Geschindigkeitssensor in Fahrbahn

Assembly of speed sensor

Im Tunnel

Inner view of the tunnel

Im Tunnel

Inside the tunnel

Infrarot-Blitzgerät an der Tunnelwand

Black flash camera cv

Geschwindigkeitsüberwachung im Straßentunnel
Speed enforcement in motorway tunnels

Design of speed enforcement systems in motorway tunnels.

Accidents occuring inside a tunnel may result in damages more severe than those outside. To guarantee smooth traffic flow, modern motorway tunnels are already equipped with various safety systems.
However, road users exceeding the speed limits can still pose a major risk to a tunnel's safety. When speed limits are broken in a motorway tunnel frequently, a speed enforcement system can be implemented to assure the limits and to prevent the growth of an accident blackspot.

The tunnel's speed sensors are located in multiple spots along all lanes and both directions of traffic. The Traffic Management System (TMS) can adjust the speed limit in relation to the current traffic situation. Therefore, a connection between the tunnel's TMS and its speed enforcement system is required.

The speed enforcement system consists of:

VIA Beratende Ingenieure services included:

Period of executioon: 2008 - 2010

for: Senate Department for Urban Development, Berlin