Traffic planning

Beispiel Wegweiser an Anschlussstellen (pdf*)

Sample post near junction (pdf*, 213 KB)

Regelbeschilderung Autobahndreieck (pdf*)

Signposting at highway junction (pdf*, 195 KB)

Leitfaden zur wegweisenden Beschilderung an Autobahnen in Hessen
Guideline for sign-posting on motorways in Hesse

Additions to the RWBA 2000 for the Federal State of Hesse

Over the past decades, the federal state of Hesse has been developing and employing modified standards for sign-posting on motorways.

These adjusted rules often replace the RWBA 2000 guidelines (German guidelines for motorway sign-posting). As only parts of the varying standards had been put in writing yet, VIA Beratende Ingenieure prepared the guideline for sign-posting on motorways in Hesse on behalf of the Hessian provincial road and traffic agency.

This Hessian guideline is based on the RWBA 2000 listing all variations to the German Federal regulations. Various design-related specifications limit preparation effort and increase the effectiveness of motorway sign-posting. A case in point is the arrangement of destinations on road signs and presign-posts: Left-aligned lettering facilitates the design of VMS-systems and decreases reading effort.

for Transport Control Centre, Hessen , Frankfurt am Main